Dear Lovelies,
It's almost been a year since I first open my retail shop... so what a fitting way to celebrate by finally getting some signage? I have designed it to look like big orange SUN... Its going to get painted, printed, and make-up on, yeah! It will have birds flying and dandelions growing on the windows... It will be magical and whimsical x Check out the pictures to have a sneak peak, to what its going to look like.
I wish all of you lovelies could come and visit me here and see the shop, but I know most of you live too far away... so once the signage is fully complete, I will take photograph's to show you all exactly what it looks like.
What? I hear people say... You have had the shop for one whole year and you still have not got a sign for your shop!
Yes people, I have been a little slack, but im still plotting along :-) , I am finally getting there! The signage would have been done a long time ago if I didnt get sick.. Pretty much the first couple of weeks I opened the shop last year, was the same time I got diagnosed with the breast cancer. So as you all could imagine, the past year was more about surviving, and the shop signage (along with other things) really just got put on the back burner.
So one year on from being diagnosed with cancer + opening the shop, a lot has happened, a lot has been conquered. I feel healthy and happy. So now is a time for celebration, HERE COMES THE SUN....