Sunday, February 6, 2011


every sunday I go to the local markets and buy my fruit and veges... as I were pondering around the stores I came across a store selling roses. Those babies were only 10 for $6, so obviously they were a MUST HAVE. To top it off, the store owner wrapped them in newspaper which just gave the all so vintage look. I was so inspired that I decided to do a photo shoot using these exquisite beauties..

As I was photographing my whimsical gorgeous daughter, it dawned on me, red roses, LOVE, soul mate, valentine. My true love would defiantly have to be my daughter Laini. She has to be the most beautiful kindest person I know. She truly is my best friend, and a inspiration to me. 2010 was a tough year, going through my diagnosis, losing a breast, doing chemo, losing my hair... Lets just say I had some moments! But my eleven turning twelve year old daughter went through it all too... And truly she was my rock. She picked me up when I was down, she was optimistic, joyful and always dependable. I am truly blessed to have the most joyful, kindest daughter ever. The two of us have gone through alot, but we have come out of the other side smiling and shining, and have a unbelievable bond, that I believe no other could match.

So laini, these roses are for you. I love you. I thank you. You inspire me. You are my true love. xoxo